
cryotherapy (also known as Cryosurgery) is a safe and highly effective method of freezing and removing benign skin lesions such as solar lentigines (sunspots, liverspots etc), seborrheic keratosis and warts/verrucas. It uses highly pressured liquid nitrous oxide to destroy the tissue quickly and with little residual stinging. At Eden Skin Clinic, we carry this treatment using CryoPen. This advanced procedure does not require anaesthetic and is a convenient choice for clients due to minimal aftercare.

Cosmetic procedures such as Skin tags, Milia and Cherry angiomas are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS. However they can be safely treated in medical aesthetic clinics.

CyroPen offers the ideal treatment for:

  • Skin tags
  • Solar lentigo
  • Warts
  • Viral verrucae
  • Cherry angioma
  • Age spots
  • Milia

Benefits of CryoPen technology

Thanks to the advanced technology used during this treatment, there are many advantages. This includes the following:

  • Pinpoint accuracy  (treats just the lesion and not healthy surrounding tissue)
  • Safe and proven treatment
  • Treats lesions from 1mm to 10mm in size
  • Safe for use on face and close to eyes
  • Minimal discomfort

Treatment Price List:

Small skin tags (Less then 3mm), Cherry Angiomas, Milia, Small Pigmentation & Sun/Age spots:

£45 1-3 lesions
£65 4-5 lesions
(Sun/Age spots & Pigmentation over 3mm each will be prices at consultation)

Warts and Larger Skin tags: (May need a 2nd treatment)

£55 1-3 lesions
£65 4 lesions
£75 5 lesions


£45 each
(Will need 2 or 3 treatments)

Aesthetics clinic

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